
Belladonna – Atropa Belladonna

Common name – Belladonna – Deadly Nightshade

Scientific name – Atropa belladonna

Family – Solanaceae

Location – Northern hemisphere

This is a stunning member of the deadly nightshade family, which include potatoes. However, unlike potatoes, this plant bites back! There is not one part of the plant that isn’t poisonous.

The gorgeous black and purple flowers give way to deep black berries. This is a wonderful perennial shrub, but should not be played around with.

During the middle ages a small amount of belladonna would be dried and taken in a drink or with food and it would dilate the pupils of woman, which was believe to make women more beautiful. This plant was used as a beauty product, until it was discovered that it could be used for nefarious purposes!

Belladonna Effects







It really does not take very much to have a negative effect on a person, and so it is really best if this plant is avoided. Consuming the berries or leaves has the worst affect, but touching the leaves or stem will cause skin irritation. The stem and leaves have small hairs.

Belladonna in History

This plant has been used since ancient times to take out enemies. Including kings and heads of state. It is easy to use and a small amount is deadly to an adult.

In ancient Rome, belladonna would be mashed in to a deadly paste and used to tip arrows. Inflicting a horrible death on anyone unlucky enough to be impaled by or even pricked with the poisonous arrows.

On the positive side, aside from the beauty uses, this plant has been used in medicine and continues to be of medicinal service to this day. When handled correctly, this amazing plant can be used to treat; inflammation, relieve pain and acts as a strong muscle relaxant.